
Chinese Evangelicals, church culture, blah blah blah

Completely gaffled from the Blindman: A couple of articles from the San Jose Mercury

Asian evangelicals blend faith, culture
Young evangelicals flock to Sunnyvale, rocking out for faith

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C&MA's Central Pacific district superintendent (is there really a Central Pacific district? Is that not wacky? What is that? The Bay Area plus Utah?) is mentioned in the first article.

In largely unrelated news, another youth pastor candidate turned down the position at SGVAC, and our English ministries pastor, Pastor Dan, resigned on Tuesday. He will be with us through April 30, then some time to get things in order, then off to Michigan. He is a man who steps out in faith. I'll leave the rest of the eulogizing for the good-bye event. Extravaganza. Whatever you want to call it.

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