
As a self-respecting technophile, i maintain a profile on every social-networking site i can get a login to. Much like porn sites (but without the taint of overt sin), there's a lot of interesting stuff going on in user interface and customer retention in the content areas of those sites. I'm constantly scarfing feature sets that i can sic my monkeys (well, okay, singular monkey) on at the colleges. From my perspective, the more i can make the academic portal behave like Facebook, the more hip and trendy 19-somethings i can entice into using online unofficial transcripts. (not yet available, before you start emailing me, jackals!)

I logged into Myspace for the first time in a few weeks, and discovered that i'd been discovered by several of my schoolmates from high school. This is a bizarre experience. I mean, sure, i see Linus every week at church, but that's really not the same thing as finding out that he's a multimillionaire, she has two kids, they work in the same soulless industry as me, he's gay, and we're both fans of Borat. (zomg!)

I'm also reminded that although i had pretty low regard for high school in general, it's not nearly as bad as i make it out to be on the infrequent occasions it comes up. I think i'm just kind of struggling to stitch together the pieces of people who are still callow 18-year-olds in my mind's eye with real, live grown-up people who are doing things with their lives.

Well, sort of. I mean, they did find me on myspace, after all.

I've been reading college personal statements. I'd forgotten how bad we all start out at writing. I need to blog more so i don't regress back to 12th grade.

I've been refactoring my iTunes playlists. Anyone who isn't using smart playlists in one form or another is missing out, iPod or no. Also, take note of the keen stuff i'm meta-aggregating in my google reader feed.

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