
My brother is missing. I'm putting up this entry so i can give people a place to read what we know, and not feel so helpless. I'm sorry if you feel helpless. I do, too.

I last saw my brother on Sunday night, Easter. He came down and had late Easter dinner with me. We joked a little about the ribs Mom made, and then i went to bed.

I was out until 2 AM on Monday night, working on CS homework. Mom usually gets home late on Mondays, too. On Tuesday, i left a birthday card for one of our friends on his computer keyboard. By Wednesday morning, he still hadn't signed it, and it didn't look like his bed had been slept in.

By Thursday morning, i had to return the card, and i was mentioning to my co-worker that it was really strange that we hadn't seen him. I went to the game store without him (our standard Thursday night activity), and thought it was strange he hadn't told me he wasn't coming.

By Friday night, nothing had moved in his room, and i was starting to get worried.

On Sunday, Mom and i agreed to wait until the evening to see if he was just on a trip, and then to call the place where he was doing clinicals for his master's program on Monday.

Monday, we tried to track down his clinical, and filed a missing persons report. The police took a report and his info so they can check on his phone records and other stuff. His snowboard is still at the house, so he's not on some extended ski trip. His car is still in the driveway, which is just weird... but we can't find his laptop, keys, or wallet, so he clearly knew he was going out.

We think he just needed to get away from life, or responsibility, or something, but he's not returning phone calls, or emails or anything.

Hmm. This just in. I found his profile on myspace. Although the details are set to private, he logged in today.

In overnight: one of our buddies saw Jeremy logged in to World of Warcraft. He's not responding to personal messages (pm's) though.

Please, please pray for my brother. I know he's in the Lord's hands, which is supremely comforting, but it's agonizing from an ericlui-wants-to-be-in-control-of-everything kind of way. Pray for his safety, for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation with my Mom. For our family to understand and love one another better through this process.