
To my dear pre-collegiates, here's some timely advice on keeping your faith in college. I've been talking with some of you, and i hope to pray with each of you as you make exciting decisions in following the Lord.

How Not to Lose Your Faith in College

In the interests of full disclosure, the above is from Boundless.org, a site created by Focus on the Family. While i find some of their advice and theology to be solid, they spend a lot of time in bed with shady politicians. Forewarned is forearmed. Test everything against Scripture, and you'll be all right.

For Girls, It's Be Yourself, and Be Perfect, Too

When my friend shared this article with me, we had the following discussion:
scrappykid: I think he has some back up schools, too, but those are the three he is seriously considering.
I should warn him about the girls at Cal.
That may dissuade him at last.
friend: hmmm
There are Facebook groups for best looking people at Cal.
They are small.
scrappykid: Hahahahahahahahahaha.
My friend, [A], has a friend who joined the "Really Attractive Engineers" xanga blogring.
friend: haha
scrappykid: I thought this was typical of the hilarious self-esteem that UCLA students have.

That wasn't what i meant, but i'm not surprised he interepreted it that way. My high school/pre-college discipler (who also went to Berkeley) told me, "Cal is a really tough, cold place to go to school. It'll make a man out of you. It's so tough, even the women come out men."

friend: The people at Gawker hated those girls.
me: The people at gawker are obviously not Asian-American.

Upon reflection, maybe they are Asian-Ams, and just full of self-loathing.

I keed, i keed.