
Good(?) tree

goodtree.com is at best, a scam, and at worse, an elaborate phishing scheme.

I received an email from two folks in the last 3 days inviting me to join Goodtree. I did some investigation, and immediately got suspicious when they asked for my google password. (it is possible to skip that step and still use their product.)

I did a little digging on Mark Cuban's nifty blog-oriented search engine, Ice Rocket, and found the results to be underwhelming. The most fair-handed analysis i found was here:

It seems like they're not even doing this as generously as other alternatives.

If you do sign up, please don't give them your passwords or refer your friends using their automated tools. If it's worth your time to talk to me about, take the time to write something yourself. If you have given them your password, i'd strongly recommend changing it.

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